Sunday, April 5, 2009

Isaiah Assignment #5

Here are some questions for studying Isaiah 10:5 through Isaiah 16.

1. Besides “the Holy One of Israel,” what other compound names/titles of God are used in this section? Which are even more frequent than “the Holy One of Israel”? Why do you think this is?

2. Make as many observations as you can from the text of 11:1-12 about the Messiah in these four categories: 1) identity, 2) character, 3) activity, and 4) the results or effects of this Messianic person and work.

3. List, in summary form, the statements in this section connected to the phrase “in that day”. After looking at the statements connected to this phrase in the preceding (chs. 3, 4, 5, and 7) and following chapter (ch. 17) what observations can you make about this “day”?

4. List and briefly describe the main themes in the song of praise in chapter 12. Do you find any of these themes rather surprising?

What more? Are you sure? Okay, some bonus (more interpretive) questions:
5. The meaning and significance of God’s “anger” and “wrath”
6. The hermeneutical legitimacy and method whereby 14:13-15 can refer to the fall of Lucifer
7. The meaning of “oracle” (Hebrew "massa")